Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
1) Aggregate Functions
2) Analytical Functions
3) Character String Functions
4) Collections
5) Conversion Functions
6) Cursor
7) Date Timestamp Functions
8) Function Procedure Packages
9) Index
10) Insert Update Delete
11) Introduction
12) Large Objects
13) Linear Regression Functions
14) Miscellaneous Functions
15) Numerical Math Functions
16) Object Oriented
17) PL SQL Data Types
18) PL SQL Operators
19) PL SQL Programming
20) PL SQL Statements
21) Query Select
22) Regular Expressions Functions
23) Sequences
24) Set
25) SQL Data Types
26) SQL PLUS Session Environment
27) Statistical Functions
28) System Packages
29) System Tables Data Dictionary
30) Table
31) Table Joins
32) Transaction
33) Trigger
34) User Privilege
35) View
36) XML
1) A column with upper case constraint
2) A foreign key to reference itself
3) Add a column with default value
4) Add a column with NOT NULL constraint
5) Add a comment to the myTable id column
6) Add CASCADE to the end of a DISABLE CONSTRAINT clause
7) Add columns
8) Add comment to a column
9) Add condition constraint with and operator
10) Add constaint for a date type column
11) Add constraint foreign key references
12) Add constraint to ensure that value from one column is bigger than that from another
14) Add more columns
15) Add new column with default value and not null
16) Add NOT NULL constraint to column with NULL value
17) Add unique constaint to new added column
18) Add unique constraint across more than one columns
19) Add unique constraints
20) Add unique constraints for combined columns
21) Adding a CHECK Constraint
22) Adding a Column
23) Adding a Comment to a Table
24) Adding a Constraint
25) Adding a FOREIGN KEY Constraint
26) Adding a NOT NULL Constraint
27) Adding a UNIQUE Constraint
28) All columns as primary key
29) Alter a table column to not null
30) Alter not null and null contraints
31) Alter table nologging
32) Alter table to add new constraint for new added column
33) Alter table to add primary key
34) Alter table to add primary key across more than one columns
35) Alter table to add primary key with tablespace and storage setting
36) Alter table to add unique with tablespace and storage setting
38) Alter table to insert primary key
39) Altering a Table
40) Cascade constraints
41) Cascade delete setting
42) Change null status of an existing column
43) Changing the Data Type of a Column
44) Changing the Default Value of a Column
45) Changing the Precision of a Numeric Column
46) Changing the Size of a Column
47) Check constraint
48) Check constraint with decode and nvl2
49) Check constraint with MOD function
50) Cluster with varchar2 column
51) Constraint with Two conditions
52) Copy table with adding the primary key
53) Copying table structure not data
54) Create a copy by select specific columns
55) Create a copy table
56) Create a copy table and aggregate function
57) Create a table based on a hash cluster
58) Create a table by copy certain rows
59) Create a table from one or more other tables
60) Create a table with check constraint
61) Create a table with primary key, VARCHAR type column and date type column with default value
62) Create a temporary table whose rows will be deleted at the end of a session by specifying ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS
63) Create an external table
64) Create cluster and set hashkeys, size
65) Create cluster and then create table on top of it
66) Create comment for a table
67) Create copy table
68) Create global temporary table
69) Create global temporary table transaction_tab on commit delete rows
70) Create index on cluster
71) Create intermediate table for calculation
72) Create table with organization index
73) Create table with organization index OVERFLOW
74) Create table with primary key
75) Create table with storage setting
76) Create table with storage setting 2
77) Creating a Table
78) Date type column with current date as the default value
79) Decrease the length of a column
80) Decrease the precision of a numeric column
81) Deferred Constraints
82) Demonstrate a simple External table
83) Disable foreign key
84) Disabling a Constraint
85) Drop a just added column
86) Drop cluster
87) Drop only if table exists
89) Dropping a Column
90) Dropping a Constraint
91) Dropping a Table
92) Enabling a Constraint
93) Exclusive aggregation using the clustering technique
94) Existence-dependent aggregation using the clustering technique
95) Fill data into new added table column
96) Getting Table Comments
97) Global temporary table and connection
98) drop a constaint
99) Insert record into a table with default value
100) Make myCode a CACHE table
101) Many to many using a primary-key and foreign-key relationship
102) Measure table storage
104) Merge table
105) Merge table into another table
106) Merge two tables and map columns
107) Merge two tables when matched or not matched
108) Merge two tables with update
109) Merge with match
110) Move table to another tablespace
111) Must be upper case
112) New added columns are empty
113) Not NULL column
114) Null with default value column
115) ON DELETE CASCADE clause with a FOREIGN KEY constraint
116) One column with three constraints
117) One to many using a primary-key and foreign-key relationship
118) One-to-one using a primary-key and foreign-key relationship
119) ORA-00001
120) ORA-01400
121) ORA-02270
122) ORA-02298
123) ORA-04091
124) Override the defaults by specifying a value for the columns
125) Query column comments through user_col_comments
126) Query Tablespace from user_tables
127) Query user_tab_comments to check the table comment
128) Reference column from another column
129) Refernece a table
130) Rename a table
131) Renaming a Table
132) Salary column value cannot be greater than 1000
133) Setting CHECK constraint for number type field
134) Setting the Regular expression check for varchar field
135) Some of the aspects of a column you can modify using ALTER TABLE
136) The database automatically assigns a name to the constraint
137) Truncating a Table
138) Try to add two primary keys to one table
139) Update a column and set it back to the default using the DEFAULT keyword in an UPDATE statement
140) Update statement with default
141) Use char function to build default column value
142) Use combined column as the primary key
143) Use comparison operators with a CHECK constraint
144) Use decode() function in check constraints
145) Use referencing columns
146) Use the ON DELETE SET NULL clause with a FOREIGN KEY constraint
147) Use three columns as primary key
148) Using Default Values
149) Using Varrays in Temporary Tables
150) Viewing the Structure of a Table
151) Violate a ckeck constraint
152) Violate a constraint
153) Violate a foreign key
154) Violate an unique constraints
155) You can also choose to apply a constraint to new data only by specifying ENABLE NOVALIDATE